Draper Fine Art

capturing interactions that change us


Interview with Candy Colored Studio

Lisa Draper
Katrina Berg.JPG

I had the privilege of being interviewed by Katrina Berg of The Candy Colored Studio (https://katrinaberg.com/), and I’m thrilled to share!

Now, as a word of warning, this is a deep exploration of my background, what brought me to my knees, and eventually to the art world. It goes over background story, and THEN some advice about organization and systems to make your life better and more efficient!

The first hour has to do with my background. The second more on the business end of things.

Thank you Katrina, it was a treat!
Lisa Draper

Podcast episode here:

Can I Keep it For a Week First?

Lisa Draper

This week I sold one of my favorite pieces, “Waterfall”, a 24” x 48” mixed media to an incredible couple in Colorado. During the process of the sale I ran into a couple common questions and want to share them and some appropriate responses here.

“We’ve never bought a piece like this!  I think it’ll work really well in our space, we’re just not sure.  Is there any way we can see it actually in our home before we buy it?”

Beginning of a Journey

Lisa Draper

I’m so excited you’re here to join me on an amazing journey of learning, discovery, creation, and beauty.

There are 2 main purposes for this blog:
1. Act as a resource for emerging artists looking to make a more professional business
2. Share personal insights into the meanings behind my artwork.