Draper Fine Art

capturing interactions that change us

Golden Moonrise

Lisa Draper
Golden Moonrise_Lisa Draper.jpg

Golden Moonrise
Lisa Draper
Mixed Media on Cradled Panel
30” x 42”

in early 2020, as the world panicked about the effects of Covid-19, my husband’s side of the family gathered for an evening unlike any I’d seen before.

Each household brought their own camping chairs, and trekked out into a reed-filled wetland area to watch the rising of a supermoon.

Spread far enough to stay safe, but close enough to engage in much-needed laughter and family bonding, we talked as the sun went down. The panic surrounding the pandemic had gotten to all of us, and uncertainty threaded through the conversations.

When suddenly there was a gasp, and we collectively turned.

Quietly, smoothly, gracefully She rose.

No trumpets announced her coming. No grand rays of golden light spilled down below. It was too cold for crickets, so nothing on earth announced her arrival. No birds sang, and the winds were calm.

But nevertheless, she was magnificent. This Celestial body, powerful enough to move entire oceans with her presence, rose and quietly, calmly brought peace to a world in turmoil.

Purchase inquiries, email lisa@draperfineart.com